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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories welcomes...

Antonino Fazio

Antonino lives in Turin, Italy and has been a science fiction fan since an early age. He has published several short stories and essays in magazines and anthologies.

Jonah’s Memories on a Slippery Ground” may be a kind of homage to the mysteriously symbolic style of J. G. Ballard, about whose works Antonino has an essay available on line.

In Siena, Jonathan proposes marriage to his girlfriend Connie. But he finds himself the last survivor of a spaceship crew. He is alone on the ship but for an alien that takes many forms and causes him to re-experience as “Jonah” his marriage proposal from various perspectives, with a curious loss of affect. The result is a circular or spiral action reminiscent of the film Last Year in Marienbad.

Antonino Fazio’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Antonino. We hope to hear from you again soon and often!

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