Bewildering Stories

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by Jerry

Well, after reading our stories for this week, I didn't have any choice. The only acceptable pseudomonthly name was Mayhem!. Not even phantasy, but old-fashioned hard-boiled writing that wouldn't be out of place in Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine from Mr. Sheagren, and a twisted psychological "gun-up-to-the-head" from Mr. Ling.

To finish up our roster of new (to us) writers, we have Mr. Atk (short for Attack, I'm told) Butterfly. Not only is Mr. Butterfly a denizen of fields and Uzis, he also, under a different name, frequents the Asimov/Analog fora, from whence our little webzine sprang.

Mr. Laden is back with a cute little tale of time and space, Eric Brown interviews the publisher of Sapphire Publications, and I have another "Earthport" poem for y'all. Enjoy.

Jerry. The Bottle Washer