Now that I’ve had a chance to poke around in the basement of Bewildering Stories, I can report that the issues look much more bewildering from underneath than they do up top. I told Jerry I’d cross my fingers and rub my rabbit feet, and I did; but it didn’t do much good: I’ve managed to overwrite Jerry’s “Art” editorial. My editorial belongs in issue #49, “Junohoo.”
I just plain got the issue numbers confused. I swore up and down I wouldn’t delete anything, but then I went and did it anyway. I’m really sorry about that, everybody, and I hope Jerry has a backup copy of his editorial for this issue. Now, I will try to move my editorial out of the way, to issue #49, where it belongs.
I also managed to mess up the entire issue in the process, but I’m confident it has been restored with only that one unfortunate omission. Call it a learning experience and a half.
Don W., Sorcerer’s Apprentice Bottle Washer and Breaker