Bewildering Stories

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Counting Down

Well, the peripatetic one is at it again, as I'm on my way to Seattle for a couple of days. So Don, once again, gets to put together this issue, #51. I don't know what he's going to name it, although I'm leaning toward JunoWhere (or JunoWear to be a bit more punny.)

Anyway, still hoping for more stuff from our friends from times past for issue 52, but we do have a nice collection of miscellaneous submissions on tap. More to come, and more fun, indeed.

So enjoy, read, and SUBMIT!

Jerry. The Bottle Washer

Have fun in sunny Seattle, sez Igor (“that’s ‘Eye-gor’”) as thunder and lightning swirl around the Bewildering castle.

“Junowheare” it is. We’ll milk it for all the puns we can get.

Don, a.k.a. Igor the Bottle Breaker