Bewildering Stories News
A collection of news briefs for this issue:
- The bibliographies are approaching completion, but the biggest ones remain to be done. The shorter ones can be filled in at odd moments; the longer ones will take a while. The Biographies index may undergo a color change to reflect that bibliographies have become the norm.
You may have noticed that the Biographies index has two sections: the top is in three columns and the bottom, in two. The two-column section is reserved for “long names”; there’s no other reason for it, honest!
Serials are back with us in a big way.
- Julian Lawler’s Prophet of Dreams has chapter 13 in this issue, chapter 16 in issue 90, and the Epilogue in issue 91. There are no chapters 12, 14 or 15 that we know of.
- Tala Bar’s Gaia got under way in issue 88 with the Prologue. There are several chapters, and any chapter (such as chapter 1) may be divided into more than one part. We’ll number them accordingly.
- Ian Donnell Arbuckle’s Made It Way Up qualifies for the “novel” category by length. It is divided not into numbered chapters but into sections headed by character names. The sections are presented separately and, in this issue at least, two at a time for the readers’ convenience.
The issue index normally lists multiple serials in the following order:
- Concluding installments first,
- The oldest first,
- Alphabetically by author.
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Copyright © 2004 by Don Webb for Bewildering Stories
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