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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories introduces and welcomes...

Tom Durwood

Tom Durwood is a teacher, writer, and editor. He has taught English composition and literature as well as public speaking and communications. Tom is especially fond of writing historical literature and cites two books especially: Empire and Literature and Kid Lit: An Introduction to Literary Criticism.

Jayani’s Big Gamble” will impress Western readers by its depiction of Jayani, a gifted teenage girl in a society somewhere along the Silk Road but in a relatively recent time. Jayani is able to benefit from the advice of a British physician to help heal her aunt, who has been injured in an accident, and mathematics from a learned Arab, which enables her to improve the function of her village’s baking ovens.

The premise of a young Asian woman who is capable not only of learning mathematics but is also given due recognition for making significant contributions to her society will undoubtedly draw the ire of cultists from Afghanistan to North America. We ask that they not respond by sending us stories, poems or essays glorifying the oppression of anyone on any basis.

Tom Durwood’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Tom. We’re glad to have you with us.

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