Bewildering Stories introduces and welcomes...
Hannah Ascough
Hannah lives in Yellowknife, in Canada’s Northwest Territories. She works for an environmental organization and is completing a PhD degree in Global Development Studies. Coincidentally, this issue’s Art Gallery features a photo of northern lights in or near Hannah’s hometown.
“The Sleep Stealers’ Support Group” will intrigue readers with its depiction of an unusual — indeed, fantastical — remedy for insomnia. It answers an expected question: What happens to those from whom sleep is stolen? Does the theft mean that insomnia may be contagious? And how does such a “support group” actually function? What is it supposed to to? “Fascinating,” as Mr. Spock would say.
Hannah Ascough’s bio sketch can be found here.
Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Hannah. We’re glad to have you with us.
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