Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories’
Fourth Quarterly Review, 2013

Editors’ Choices: issues 543-554

Everything in green is a link.

page 1
Essays & Memoirs
page 2
Short Poetry
Flash Fiction
The Quarter’s Best Issues
On this page

Selections are listed in alphabetical order by author.
Multiple titles are listed in chronological order.

Short Stories

Edward Ahern, After Taste
Tom Borthwick, Living in the Singularity
Ian Cordingley, To the Horizon
Sora Edwards-Thro, Pay Attention
Heather J. Frederick, Everything Was Winter
Shaun Hayes, Mrs. Carmichael's Best
O. D. Hegre, The Guardian
Prashila Naik, Dream Woman
Adam Natali, A Nun in the Afterlife
Emily M. Peters, Experiment Failed
Rudy Ravindra, The Ambitious Girl
Lilliana Rose, Browsing
Clarise Samuels, The Alien of Camelot
Gustavo Valitutti, A Man of His Word
Ron Van Sweringen, A Key West Diamond
Sherri Cook Woosley, Two Sides of a Triangle
Colin W. Campbell, The Chess Player of the Desert
Harry Lang, The Ministry of Heavenly Understanding
Thomas L. J. Smith, Methinks He Protesteth Too Much
Owen J. Traylor, Life and Death in Eaton Square

The Order of the Hot Potato

And now, since “Bewildering” Stories is a friend of the unconventional, here are the ten most controversial works of the quarter, the ones on which the Review Editors’ opinions diverged significantly for one reason or another. The titles are listed in descending order with the most controversial first. Six of the titles appear among the Editors’ Choices.
  1. Oonah V. Joslin, Music to My Ears
  2. Christopher Cornell, Growing Season
  3. Oren Eilam, Poetry's Victory
  4. Shaun Hayes, Mrs. Carmichael's Best
  5. Rudy Ravindra, The Ambitious Girl
  6. Jason C. Ford, Thoughts Following a Storm
  7. Jason C. Ford, A Path Into the Raging Water
  8. Visalakshi Viswanathan, Somewhere in Gundaroo
  9. Channie Greenberg, The Need for Staid Midlifers to Write Bizarro Texts
  10. John F. Keane, Lord of Time

The Hottest-Potato Issues of the Quarter

  1. Solar Corona
  2. Volcanoes of Io
  3. Subsolar of Mercury
  4. Surface of Venus
  5. The K-T Asteroid
  6. The Tunguska Event
As a special treat, Bewildering Stories links to the most controversial issues of the quarter, all those that ran an above-average temperature.

The Order of Merit

Here are links to the top winners, the most highly rated works in each genre represented by more than one title in this Quarterly Review. The categories are listed according to their normal order in the Readers’ Guide.

In keeping with Bewildering Stories’ astronomical motif, ties are indicated by the names of space telescopes. The most highly rated title in the quarter is indicated by the name of an arm of the Galaxy.

Short Stories Flash Fiction Poetry Short Poetry

Essays & Memoirs

The Perseus Arm

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