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Bewildering Stories

Julie Brandon

Bewildering Stories biography

I’m a poet, playwright, storyteller, and lyricist living in Downers Grove, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. My work has been published by Bewildering Stories, Corner Bar Magazine, Poetica Magazine, The Sheltered Poet, Awakenings Review, Mini Plays Review and Am Yisrael Chai, vols. 1 & 2, Boundless- Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival Anthology, The Jewish Writing Project, Detangled Brains, and Witcraft. My poetry collection, My Tears, Like Rain, was published in June 2024.

Several monologues and short plays have been performed in the U.S. and Great Britain. “The Astronomy Lesson,” a short play, will air on Broken Arts podcast in July 2024 and “Can You Get There From Here?” will air on the podcast Theatrical Shenanigans in Sept. 2024.

On occasion, I post in my blog

Copyright © 2021, 2024 by Julie Brandon

Bewildering Stories bibliography

A Is Not for Apple
But What Results?
Watching Reruns

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