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Bewildering Stories

Jared Buck

Bewildering Stories biography

I grew up in Massachusetts. I got into fantasy and science fiction (with some horror on the side) from an early age when my brother showed me the original Star Wars when I was five, and later my third-grade teacher had the class read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. My interest grew from there, and continues to grow and expand, as I’m always on the lookout for new authors to read.

I have been living and working in China for the past ten years, were I live with my wife. We’ve traveled all around China together, as well as around the USA, Canada, and Mexico, and we hope to travel to many more countries around the world in the future.

I have previously published a couple of stories with Aphelion Webzine. I am currently at work on a novel.

Copyright © 2024 by Jared Buck

Bewildering Stories bibliography

Prose Fiction
I’ll See What I Can Do

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