Antonino Fazio
Bewildering Stories biography
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I was born in Italy, in 1947, and I live in Turin. As a reader, I was interested in science fiction from an early age. As an author, I saw my first story published in 1980: “Pesce d’Aprile” (April Fool) in: The Time Machine, No. 3 (an Italian fanzine by Club Padova Fantascienza).
My stories and essays appeared in several Italian magazines and anthologies: Futuro Europa, Nova sf*, Robot, Urania, Aleph, If, Next Station, “Il mistero dell'ottavo piano” (The Eighth Floor Mystery), “Immaginare la scienza” (Imagining Science), “Pianeti di parole” (Word Planets), “L'orizzonte di Riemann" (The Riemann Horizon).
In 2005, my personal SF anthology CyClone was published by Perseo Libri, Bologna. In 2010, I edited with Riccardo Valla (who translated the Italian version of The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown) L’incubo ha mille occhi (Nightmare Has a Thousand Eyes), a collection of essays on the noir writer Cornell Woolrich, published by Elara.
My “Il navigatore dello spazio interno” (The Sailor of Inner Space, a short writing on J. G. Ballard, in Italian) is available on line.
Copyright © 2011 by Antonino Fazio