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Bewildering Stories

Kenneth E. Herritt

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The spoken lasts a moment; the written, forever. These are the words Kenneth lives by as he recognizes the fact that a written story can give an author immortality or perhaps a few odd snickers. As comfortable writing a dark sci-fi as he is a humorous story, he writes what comes to him, never once stopping the thoughts long enough for them to dissipate. After all, you can always kill off the words once they strike the page, but you can never recover them if they fall from your memory.

Currently (08-17-2008) Kenneth is attempting to find a market for his completed sci-fi novel, “Dark Exodus.” This is part one of a trilogy, and part two is already in the works, taking off from a well-disguised loophole left in part one. The query process has been a relentless one, but he’s confident he’s missed an agent somewhere in his hunt.

Even though novel writing is his current focus, Kenneth still finds time to write short stories, as these are excellent practice for learning how to economize your words while attempting to get your message across, and every story he writes definitely has a message. After all, it’s fine to write about an event, but the newspaper does that on a daily basis. To make it a story, the reader must walk away feeling they have learned something that might somehow change their perspective on the world around them.

Another pastime he enjoys is moderating over a writing group called Writing 101, on There, he does his best to create an atmosphere where young writers can share their knowledge of the writing skills necessary to succeed. After all, as much of a great feeling one can get from selling their own work, it’s easily doubled by helping someome else achieve the same success.

Copyright © 2009 by Kenneth E. Herritt

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Prose Fiction
A Higher Purpose

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