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Bewildering Stories

Milos Petrovic

Bewildering Stories biography

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Hello, my name is Milos Petrovic (25 years old). I am a poet and poetry performer (jazz & poetry sessions) from Serbia, former Yugoslavia (southeastern Europe).

I studied philosophy and Serbian language & literature in Belgrade. I have over 4,000 poems that have not yet been published. I do not attend to publish any of my work here in Serbia any more, because conditions are very bad for self-governed artists of any kind.

In the year (1999) when I finished high school I published my first book, and two years later my second book was out. I was declared the most talented poetry writer in the last 25 years in my city. I won one national and several local poetry awards. Of course, every fact can be documented.

By this letter I am sending you a few poems so you could see if we can make some kind of co-operation. I will be more specific: I would like your firm to be my publisher in your country. I shall be grateful if you just recommend me to any other publisher or magazine.

Copyright © 2007 by Milos Petrovic

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