Challenge 1040
A Door Ajar
In Humphrey Price’s Secret Chamber:
- In what other novels and films does one find secret chambers? What do they seem to have in common?
- Aside from housing mysterious items or gadgets, what architectural function might chambers — secret or not — have in pyramid design?
In Wilhelm Raabe’s Elderflowers: At what point does the narrator realize that Jemimah is more than a guide and that he is profoundly attached to her?
In Jack Croughwell’s Jelly Side Down:
- What is the function of Cecelia’s seeing an image of her late son in a jar of apricot jam rather than in some other object?
- How would Cecelia’s character — and the story itself — change without Vittoria’s role as Cecelia’s friend?
In James Hanna’s Wee Folk:
- What is the dramatic function of Clarissa’s coming from outer space rather than appearing magically on Earth in, say, Henry Hokum’s garden?
- Is Clarissa’s temporary disappearance needed in the plot? How does it affect the progression of the narrative?
- Why is Jean Hargrove’s character unpleasant?
In Gerald R. Kozak’s All Rise!: What comic actors would you like to see play the roles on stage or television?
In Huina Zheng’s The Meaning of Home: Spousal abuse is common the world over. What special causes make it a cultural problem in China?
In Robin Helweg-Larsen’s On a Dead Spaceship: What would a poem titled “On a Live Spaceship” look like?
What is a Bewildering Stories Challenge?