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Bewildering Stories

Channie Greenberg, Subrogation


Author: KJ Hannah Greenberg
Publisher: Seashell Books
Date: December 10, 2023
Length: 246 pages
ISBN: 979-8864483756

This collection of 120 poems and nearly as many digital paintings explores various “tastes” of life; sourness, bitterness, sweetness, and capriciousness. Many of these works elevate day-to-day mundanities.

Leaf Litter

Tropical flowers,
Beneath the strelitzia,
Indicate Seasons.

That Grandma Thing

That grandma thing, that purposeful collecting of
Electronic photos, later saved on all sorts of social
Media pages, demarks certain gals as “ancestors.”

Also, cooking, buying dolls, otherwise fussing over
A home’s accoutrements means, nearly always, that
The housekeeper’s a nana receiving her generations.

Elsewise, all manner of lollypops, storybooks, stuffed
Animals wait in clean, closed boxes, free of dust and
Smudged by no sticky fingers or long-awaited kisses.

Defective Conceptual Meeting Places

Conceptual meeting places among disciplines remain poorly explored when
Media, alone, make sense out of our experiences, or when we bank on good
Will plus stupidity. Often, we don’t discern moral influences when talking of
Kings, horses, chariots, supporting hostilities, or abiding by outdated myths.
Ordinary understandings fail us if money, prestige, other compensations for
Dearths of self-esteem, confound appropriate responses to society-shaping
Agendas. Ponder how sundry starting points for deliberations on important
Matters extend into outsized, more metaphysical, more divided propositions.

Hence, scores of useful projects encompass punching at variations’ degree,
Depth, nature, likewise, involve kicking innocent members, sensitive souls.
Alternatively, we might increase insights into semantic validity, reliability,
Sensibility, concurrent with discovering rationale for private/public duties.
Weigh that presentations of self, of social references, demand enveloping
Heterogeneity. Amongst the best stratagems for demarcating the universe
Are policies honoring value-laden, or, conversely, matter-of-fact, ripostes
To “routine” considerations of shame-based topics and tricky discussions.

Providing that current principles of erudition linger, based on passé designs,
Our created data will persist in promoting revolting viewpoints, imprisoned
Thinking. Yet, the spirit of knowledge, not universal epistemologies, claims
Tolerance, ethically enacted exchanges, the overruling of prejudiced givens.
When words touch primary needs or are difficult to comprehend by methods
Of common sense, metaphysical foregrounds for insight continue as reticent,
Miss operative expressions synecdochic with philosophy/rhetoric. In spite of
Such entireties, rich constructs require unpopular, compulsory accountability.

Existent information concerned with human activity, in any case, enables us
To better “cope” with collective confusions about public policy, also freedom.
We’re repeatedly “reaffirmed” by practices that promote selfishness, conceit,
Avarice, covetousness, while perplexities thrive that attempt to stymie truth.
At least, if divergent views endure, endorsed reality building power behaves
As weightier, less mistrusted, nonetheless answerable to cultural quandaries.
Fortunately, at this time, aggregate numbers of individuals stay aware that
Our discourse patterns must employ interdependence with proper processes.

© May 13, 2024 Channie Greenberg

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