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Bewildering Stories

Challenge 1046

Who and Where, but When?

  1. In Humphrey Price’s Temple of the Inscriptions: The essential strategy in returning safely from time travel to the past is, of course, “Don’t Get Noticed.” But where do Scott and Karyn actually go? To the past, future or an alternate present? In what way have they been “noticed”? Upon their eventual return, what do they find they’ve gained and/or lost?

  2. In Tannara Young’s Beneath the Ink: How is Lucas’s initial disillusionment with Adrin dispelled not by ipse dixit but as a natural consequence of narrative logic?

  3. In Harrison Kim’s In the Presence of the Lost:

    1. Does the story overstep Bewildering Stories’Dream Stories” guideline? Argue first why it might and then why it does not.
    2. Is the purpose of Leon’s journey: to reach a destination? What does his journey actually depict? How does the story’s title indicate what he experiences?
  4. In Raymond Paquette’s The Empty Building; Where and at what time does the “empty building” appear to be located? Is it really empty? What rules might govern the comings and goings of the occasional occupants?

  5. In Bobby Cranestone’s The Lost Son:

    1. What do the two opening lines in the poem mean? What “virtue” might be lost or regained in the context of the poem?
    2. Does the poem refer to the 12th-century Crusades? If so, which one?
  6. In Shauna Checkley’s Old School Teacher: What attitude does the poem take toward the schoolteacher? Does it express approval? Disapproval? Something else?

Responses welcome!

date Copyright © May 27, 2024 by Bewildering Stories
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