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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories introduces and welcomes...

David Blitch

David is a disabled pastor living in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. He’s been writing mostly science fiction for most of his life and is finally selecting from among his “best endeavours.”

Birthday Boy” has a birthday party setting for George, a young man who is just turning 25. But it’s also his last birthday, because George is scheduled to die before his 26th. It doesn’t look like a summary execution, because he has medical implants that are expected to wear out within a year but won't be replaced. Is everybody else slated to suffer a similar fate? Apparently so; “last birthdays” are the norm.

Who devised this sawed-off society, and why does everybody but George put up with it? George’s accidental girlfriend, Kelly, is also slated to expire by the end of her 25th year. She and George depart for a romantic fling in Tahiti. What if Kelly becomes pregnant before her drop-dead date? Won’t her future offspring be entitled to its 25 years? It’s a truly Bewildering story, because it raises lots of important questions!

David Blitch’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, David. We’re glad to have you with us.

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