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Bewildering Stories

Challenge 1052

Help From Afar

  1. In Alcuin Fromm’s Unseen Friends, Unseen Foes: Might Lemm’s status as a “junior diplomat” and his secret mission entitle him to some kind of security protection?

  2. In David Blitch’s Birthday Boy:

    1. George is scheduled to die about a year after his 25th birthday, when his implanted medical devices wear out. Is everybody subject to such a demise? At about the same age? If so, why? In any case, why does it happen to George and Kelly? Who or what determines their life span?
    2. What would happen if Kelly got pregnant while in Tahiti or on the way there?

  3. In Huina Zheng’s A Quest for Justice:

    1. Does Shanwei City appear to be at least a fairly populous urban district? In any event, are an ambulance service and paramedics in short supply or do they seem to be completely unknown?

    2. Does the country appear to have any form of health insurance? Must every medical procedure be paid for by cash in advance?
  4. In Charles C. Cole’s Sebbie and Neil: Why might Sebbie prefer Neil to a human boyfriend at her age and in her stage of life? Why might Neil want to hit on Sebbie’s roommate?

  5. In Rivka Crowbourne’s Praline Peril: What causes people to go crazy? Is it the mere presence of a monster craving flavored ice cream or is there some additional process at work?

  6. In Shauna Checkley’s Wild Confines:

    1. When is “Grandma Shauna” first mentioned? How many times and in what ways is she referred to before she appears “on stage” in part 5?
    2. The name of the character “Grandma Shauna” is unusual. It is also the name of the author. Might readers logically infer that the character Paris Jade is a real person and that the story is — at least to some extent — semi-autobiographical?

    3. The name “Paris Jade” is also unusual. How might childhood friends and acquaintances abbreviate it?

    4. Why does Karen Armstrong refer to belief in John Nelson Darby’s doctrine of the “Rapture” as “a morbid, nihilistic death wish”? What mental-emotional disorder does Paris Jade appear to suffer from?

    5. The ending, when Paris Jade emerges from her “bunker,” refers to a state of mind that Paris Jade’s family and friend can only hope she will attain. The ending, then, can hardly be called a conclusion. How might the story conclude realistically?

  7. Responses welcome!

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