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Debbie Knows the Winds

by Michael Lee Johnson

The winds come from opposite poles,
travel slowly, get lost and may collide.
The warm south wind doesn’t always
touch the face of the cold north wind.
Debbie turns inward into the deep air of despair.
Dan walks inside a cloud of his own, hardly noticing her.
She readies herself for him, shakes
her hair, and waits for the phone to ring.
She makes up her eyes to charm him;
she smiles nonstop when Dan is near.
When she smiles, the sun warms her teeth,
walking in the cold; it’s still winter.
Inside her heart are gold-filled teeth.
The tip of her tongue drags across her vision,
moistens the shine, deepens the color,
the tint intention.
Dan brushes the dust from his suit
and straightens his tie.
He smokes African reefers on his vacations,
and his fears and vision suffer.
Dan is on his way to see Debbie,
and they’re already calling each other sweetheart.
But the currents could carry them
in different directions.
The north wind is strong,
and the south wind is everything.

Copyright © 2010 by Michael Lee Johnson

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