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Bewildering Stories

Challenge 1056

But a Fable?

  1. In Alcuin Fromm’s Unseen Friends, Unseen Foes: Politics is nearly but not entirely absent in the story. However, the distinction between the Empire and the Revolution is made clearly. How are the Revolutionaries depicted increasingly as villains as the story progresses?

  2. In Gary Inbinder’s Chicago Max, A New Client:

    1. What brings Harry Levy to seek the help of Max Niemand, in particular?
    2. in chapter 4, what clues and suspects accumulate around Moe Weinberg’s murder?
  3. In Roger Helms’s The Kraken Dilemmas: Why does the obstreperous youngster get the last word on the project under discussion? Does the story satirize recycling or a far-fetched attempt to capitalize on it?

  4. In Sean Krummerich’s Call of the Djinn:

    1. Does Ahmed need the Djinn? Could a real-life experience accomplish his change of mind as effectively?
    2. What narrative problem would a realistic setting create in the dualistic conflict?
    3. What is the function of the Djinn in terms of literature in general and this story, in particular?
  5. In Mark Reasoner’s Minding My Own Business:

    1. “and my plan for getting back aboard was shot.” This seems an odd linguistic choice for a space alien who has just learned about firearms. But what else could he say?
    2. What does the story imply about the value of mystery in beings such as Bigfoot and flying saucers? What role might human beings play for wilderness dwellers and space alien commuters?

  6. In Charles C. Cole’s Coping Mechanisms:

    1. Why does Stephen “hate” his life? What does he desire in it?
    2. Whom does Stephen not visualize as animals?
    3. How do Dr. Karlson’s recommendations and Stephen’s odd visualizations all make sense in their own way?

Responses welcome!

date Copyright © August 12, 2024 by Bewildering Stories
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