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Till Death Do Us Part

Morgan Le Fay at Merlin’s Grave

by Blair Boleyn

I wasn’t what you needed me to be.
Supposedly a friend, but more like an enemy.
A cruel villain, yes, that was me.

At times, I managed to convince myself you never even existed
But, each and every time, my memory, like God’s spear, persisted,
No matter how my earthly soul might have resisted.

Let regret forever mar my days,
Torture me in a thousand ways.
Your absence my heart still flays.

That’s what life for me did reserve.
From your place in Heaven, my torment, do observe.
Let’s get what you and I both deserve.

I wish I could take your place in the grave.
Failed you in life, now at least in death, let me your soul save.
After a lifetime of running from my faults, it’s time to be brave.

Copyright © 2024 by Blair Boleyn

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