Bewildering Stories introduces and welcomes...
Dylan T. Bosworth
Dylan enjoys the hobbies of chess and cooking, which would seem to provide some distraction from protecting his two children from existence in a small town deep in America’s midwest. Mainly, though, Dylan says he’s an enthusiastic writer of the “dark and dreadful.”
“Parishioners of the Drought” will confirm Dylan’s self-description. One can anticipate some readers’ affirmation. “Yelp, that is the way I imagine some small-town people: living in the Dust Bowl, where a parent prattles some paganized form of religion and abuses a child. The child just can’t take it anymore, but he doesn’t know how to live any differently from his money-hungry, TV-addicted parent.” The story has an unspoken moral: there’s no point in replacing one ignorance with another. If we know there must be a better way, we had better know first what it is before taking action.
Dylan T. Bosworth’s bio sketch can be found here.
Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Dylan. We’re glad to have you with us.
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