Challenge 1075
Auguring Time
In Marina J. Neary’s The Most Promising Cases: Enumerate the forms of poetic justice for each of the characters in the story. Which are the most conflicted, and how?
In Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé, The Portrait in the Louvre: Why is the assistant curator never given a name?
In Noam Rabinovitch’s Guardian Angel: Who might the “guardian angel” actually be, and what motivation might he have to support the young musician’s education and career?
In Isaiah J. King’s Intuitive Analysis: When do Augurs date from? And what did they do, exactly? Does your financial advisor have a secret chicken coop?
In Lameese Hassen’s Somewhere in the Multiverse:
- If the Jess that everyone knew died but never disappeared, how would anyone know she was dead? Doesn’t Jess have to explain to everyone who thinks she’s died that she hasn’t?
- Might transmigations proceed more smoothly if each Jess were exchanged with another version of herself from a neighboring part of the multiverse? There would be no inexplicable disappearances, but the transmigratory Jesses might need a little time to become accustomed or acculturated to their new surroundings, of course.
What is a Bewildering Stories Challenge?