Bewildering Stories introduces and welcomes...
Sina Chau-Pech
Sina is from Phnom-Penh, Cambodia and currently resides in California. He has published poetry and says he also enjoys activities with his friends, his pet and his guitar.
The Managing Editor can also add a personal note: Sina was a favorite student of mine in my French literature classes about thirty years ago. I remember an occasion when Sina mentioned that he might enjoy employment advantages with a knowledge of both English and French. I said, "Wait. Don’t forget your own language. That makes three.” I recall the incident with some pride because I’ve always felt that, while a knowledge of a colonial language can be practical, the language one speaks at home is also worthy of respect.
“Seven Old Cambodian Ladies Sitting in the Whirlpool” is an unusual poem: it collects seven personal stories and relates them from the viewpoint of a friendly visitor.
The poet “keeps the readers on the page with him,” as we like to say here at Bewildering Stories, because he skillfully avoids the pitfall of needless complexity while communicating complex information. A case in point: the use of partial punctuation. Standard punctuation is not omitted entirely; it’s included only and precisely where it’s needed.
The apparently limiting reference to “old Cambodian ladies” is subtle humor; the women’s stories bring to life human factors of life that will be recognized or shared worldwide.
Sina Chau-Pech’s bio sketch can be found here.
Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Sina. We’re glad to have you with us.
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