Challenge 1080
Rapt Up
In Marco Etheridge’s To the Lifeboat: Has a similar dilemma been experienced in a catastrophe on Earth’s oceans?
In Gary Clifton’s A Higher Hand:
- The judge that sentences Chauncy Gronk to repaint a church steeple is caracterized as “a little daft.” But is the judge entirely unbelievable in some parts of the U.S.A.?
- Does Chauncy Gronk believe his own puns?
In Charles C. Cole’s Peter van Brakel’s Life Changes Course: How might “subspace” communications help in creating sequels to this story, ones that take place both on Earth, with Spel-3000, and on alien planets, with Peter van Brakel?
In Richard Fleming’s The Rapture: Is the poem a tribute to the concept of the Rapture? If not, what is it? Helpful reference: The review article of Karen Armstrong’s The Battle for God will open in a new window. Then do a browser search for “Darby.”
In Arthur Davis’s, The Earth Isn’t Round: Does the story satirize any real event in modern science?
In David Brookes’ The Vapours of Caldera and in M. Frost’s Plague: After the Water: What information would be included in previous chapters of a larger work to clarify the characters and explain the events in the chapter we have?
What is a Bewildering Stories Challenge?