Bewildering Stories

Some of R D Larson’s fans write about...

The Phantom of the Sea

Three fans of R D Larson compliment her “Phantom of the Sea”:

Lovely lovely lovely. I liked it very much. I live on the coast where there is a stretch of dangerous rocks and tide. We as a family have dealt with the tragedy a dangerous sea and mist can bring. [R D Larson] brings the sounds of the wind and the raging sea crashing on the formidable cliffs that guard our coast line. — Will Gray

A heartfelt story. The solution was a bewildering , satisfying one, from deep despair to one of determination, forgiveness and hope. — George Koch

Great story, especially this line at the end:

“Feeling oddly relieved I patted her back in a flapping motion, thinking the phantom of the sea had made me an even trade.”

Even trade indeed.

Great writing, as per RD Usual. — “Pal Laddie”

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