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Bewildering Stories

Tala Bar writes...

From the Line of Fire

I am thinking about joining the flash contest, and have one ready but not perfectly written yet, but I am not sure it could be. Frankly, our situation here is very unsettling, and I’ve had trouble writing anything original which demands new thinking — only some old stuff.

Afula is on the borderline between north and center of the country in the center of the Jezreel valley, of which it’s considered the capital, so we only get the long range rockets, which are not frequent. I haven’t yet seen any, but we do get the sirens. We had two today, which is another unsettling experience, and heard the booms of falling missiles, but from a great distance. I do feel upset and not able to work as much as I do usually.

Thanks for the interest,


Copyright © 2006 by Tala Bar

Thank you for the news in response to my query, Tala. Your friends at Bewildering Stories have been wondering about you and Norman and hoping you are safe.

At Bewildering Stories there is no east or west, and we take no account of accidental qualities: neither Israeli nor Lebanese nor Palestinian. Our sympathies go out to you as well as to those we don’t know, and we wish all the safety we cherish. The land will still be here when we are all gone.


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