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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories welcomes...

Tom Bennitt

Tom livrs and works in Pittsburgh. He’s been studying writing seriously and has published short stories in at least two journals.

In “God Will Cut You Down,” Tom tackles the ever-knotty problem of theodicy: if God is all good, how come evil exists in the world? Well, one does recall a primordial goof made by a certain Adam and Eve, which goes a long way toward explaining the difference between human beings and animals.

But Tom’s story takes the very practical viewpoint of a boy: what has he done that is really so bad? And isn’t Sister Margaret more than a little arrogant, claiming to speak for God while conveniently forgetting Jesus’ stern admonition not to harm children? And where is the moral fiber of Ben’s parents in all this? The understanding that Ben achieves as an adult ought not to come so late...

Tom Bennitt’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Tom. We hope to hear from you again soon and often!

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