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Eucharist for a Sinless Mankind

by Bertil Falk

Table of Contents

Chapter 3: The Building Stones of Sinlessness

part 3 of 3

The story of the creation of the mankind without sin was not just nothing. In the beginning was Zxyskrapur, who was lonely in Nothingness. Therefore, Zxyskrapur first created Time and then Space, but Zxyskrapur still was very lonely. To get rid of loneliness once and for all, Zxyskrapur created beings in His own image.

That was their story of creation, simple and easy to understand. No chitchat about six days of creation and one day of rest. God created, period. But that stuff that he did it because he was lonely was not easy to digest.

“They existed. They were created. That’s for sure,” the Cardinal said and she felt that the big red sun not only warmed her but also filled her with clarity and satisfaction. “But they may have gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick when it comes to God being lonely.”

During their stay at the sin-free planet, Urbanus Collectus made a discovery. “They are not carbon based like you and me and other species in the universe,” he reported to Mother Saulcerite. “They are based on silicon.”

“That rubs it in,” Mother Saulcerite replied. “Then they cannot be considered as a mankind.”

“Oh, come on. Stranger species have been considered as human-like,” protested Urbanus Collectus.

“Ha ha,” the Cardinal said meaningly. “What kind of mankind would that be? You Earthlings, perhaps?”

After some more investigations another penetrating conversation took place between Mother Saulcerite and Urbanus Collectus. Once more it was Urbanus Collectus who brought the matter up.

“Egoism and self-sufficiency are with all beings in the universe,” he said. “Selfishness is at the bottom of us from the very beginning. All living things want to survive even at the expense of others, but...”

“But what?”

“If egoism existed before the Fall of Man, then original sin and evil must have existed before it.”

“Of course,” said Mother Saulcerite. “What happened with the Fall of Man was only that the first beings discovered that they were naked and that evil and goodness, sin and shame exist. But remember that egoism not only embraces your own being. It also embraces your own offspring and your near relatives. And this egoism can crystallize into group egoism like the ancient nation-states, trade unions and employer’s associations you had on Earth.”

“Suffering can also lead individuals to feel compassion. She who herself has suffered can understand suffering,” Urbanus Collectus interposed.

“And that can in itself lead to the origin of altruism. Beings who have reached that far are the saints of our Church.”

“Yes,” Urbanus Collectus eagerly agreed. “It means that egoism is a primary, natural quality, while altruism is a secondary, acquired quality, which develops out of the care parents have for their children and the capacity for sympathy that thinking beings have.”

Struck with amazement the two prelates looked at each other.

“In other words ...,” the Cardinal began.

“The egoistic stage has never existed on this planet,” Urbanus Collectus said without shaking in his shoes. “They are born altruistic. Fellow feeling and pity is in their genes. Their DNA, if they have DNA, is impregnated with altruism and not with egoism.”

“And since egoism never seems to have originated on this planet, we may dare jump to the conclusion that primary egoism for sure can lead to secondary altruism, but primary altruism cannot develop into secondary egoism.”

Screens that had hindered observation were removed from her consciousness and Mother Saulcerite saw her Faith in a new light. There was no antagonism. Everything was as it is, has been and will be eternally! Amen! If she could bring this discovery to a successful close, then her way to the papal throne was as good as secured, and the other pretenders would be driven out of competition. With a sense of shame, she realised that she was on the verge of making the sinless people a tool for her own career.

Her companion’s reaction was different. “Good God,” cried Urbanus Collectus. “All beings on this planet are saints, not by force of habit but from birth!”

It was as if something had walked through the room.

To be continued...

Copyright © 2008 by Bertil Falk

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