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Bewildering Stories

Recolonization, part 2

by Gabriel Timar

The author continues the discussion from the Challenge 297 Response.

Dear Don,

I enjoyed your remarks very much. I know the recolonization of Africa is a non-starter. Nobody would support it. However, getting rid of tribalism would be the greatest mistake. The tribal structure (the African social safety net) is the only thing that might still work in Africa.

If the colonial powers had listened to their field personnel and drawn the boundaries on a tribal or — heaven forbid the term — racial basis and waited for the development of the middle class before granting independence, the Dark Continent would be in great shape.

Given a strong middle class, the transition from the absolute rule of the high chief — the same as monarchy — to democracy is natural progression. It happened in Britain, Canada, Australia, and the Scandinavian countries. Very few countries had the luxury of American-style founding fathers to accelerate the process.

I trust my African friends to find their way to democracy, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — sooner or later. We colonized them, screwed up their independence, and now we’re trying to foist democracy on them. Leave them alone: they are tough, intelligent, and resourceful people who can find their way to happiness even if the road they take is not what you or I would prefer.


Copyright © 2008 by Gabriel Timar

Wisely and generously said, Timar! I hope your words are prophetic, and I’m happy that the last word is yours.


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