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Floozman: First Episode
Figs* and Riesling

* Depending on availability

by Bertrand Cayzac

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Vers la version originale

Part 11: The Sleeping Beauty

part 4 of 4

“With a scandalous abundance, he brings deliverance.”

“Hey, you two!” says the lady of the river standing on the steamy bed of the Rhine, between two high walls of water.

The one who answers is walking on the steam. He is a handsome, bearded man with broad shoulders. His delicate features are like Sophie’s.

“Who are you? Did Lilith send you?”

“I am the magical money of deliverance.”

“A money-man? Yes, I understand now. How perverse! The source has chosen to fall into the most universal and profane fluid... To free up the energy harnessed to producing material goods.”

“Yes, I come to redeem the world!”

With these words, the ground starts to quake across the land. Piercing the black and oily, holy soil of their death, the confederates are the first to rise again: those of 1525 and of 1848; the peasants of the battle of Frankenhausen and of the Baden campaign; those of Saverne and Scherwiller. For a thousand years the Kingdom on earth! Long live the revolution!

And with them, all the small band stands up. Those who descend from the survivors, pale and timid, their shoulders bent in their blue jackets. The damned! They lay down their tools and their supermarket bags! And all the others! The immigrant workers descended from defeated Sinhalese warriors, with their feverish eyes and their noble patience; women from Liberia and the Philippines. They are deserting their posts! The descendants of the Maranos and the Cathars. The delinquents and the deliquescent who cannot fall lower. They are on the march! And also the sterile transgenic corn, the baby seals, and the vegetables that demand to be hand-peeled, led by the president of their defense committee, Lovelace Cucurbite, better known by the name of ‘The Masked Cucumber’...

What is this wind that stirs the proletariat, matter, and the being of beings?

“No! I will not let you get away with this. I curse you!” says the lady of the river in a powerful voice. “By the eye of the gold that is in the treasure; by the eye of the gold that alternately wakes and sleeps, your Mana shall be eclipsed! You shall not be able to bring about the end-time until you have completely awakened it. You shall not do away with the world so easily, money-man! As soon as the eye shuts, the world shall seize you and deprive you of your strength. The world is beautiful! The world has a secret that you don’t know! Why do you think God has withdrawn from it, poor fool!”

“To hand it over to compulsive repetition?” answers the Floozman, smiling. “In truth, you are on the side of death in preserving this world! But we shall see. To begin with, I have to save the carpet.”

Immediately, a wave of matter drops him on the stairway of the grand hotel.

* * *

To be continued...

Copyright © 2005 by Bertrand Cayzac
Dépôt S.A.C.D. 174 627

to Challenge 355...

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