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Rusted Chrome

by Karlos Allen

Day Seven

part 2 of 6

He was about to reply when they heard a commotion outside the door. A second later it flew open and the same five CBs they’d talked to earlier came in, ignoring the admin that was trying to stop them.

“Mr. O’Leary, you will come with us.”


“Alex wants you.”

They surged forward and grabbed for him. He jumped back, grabbing an office chair and flinging it into their path. They deftly stepped around it, two going one way and two the other while the last one backed up to block the door.

Wait a minute! I thought characters working for evil programs were supposed to be stiff and clumsy! How else is the good guy supposed to win?

Suddenly the CB at the door stiffened and fell. As he did O’Leary saw the admin behind him standing in a marksman’s stance holding a taser in his hands. A few seconds later the other four were also on the ground.

“Whew! How long have you had a bodyguard, Tien?”

“About four days. After that bombing we decided to beef up our off-line security. Andrew here is an admin, but he’s also trained in non-lethal security. He charges extra for that.”

“Sir,” Andrew interrupted deferentially, “there are more of these CB characters outside the building. We’ve closed the doors, and the CB’s aren’t getting violent, but I don’t think your guests are going to be able to leave safely.”

O’Leary walked over to the window.

Andrew tried to block him with a still respectful “I don’t think that’s a good idea, sir.”

“It’s OK, I know how to handle myself. I just want to see where they’re standing.” Easing up to the window he saw them standing in small groups scattered up and down the street. Turning, he motioned to Andrew. “Do you think they can see down the alleyway here?”

Andrew looked at them carefully. “No, all they can really see is the front door.”

“Good.” He turned to Tien. “If you don’t mind I’d like for Ms. Porter and myself to leave by that back door, the one that connects from the server rooms. I think we can duck out across the parking garage from there and grab an auto taxi.”

“Why don’t we just call the police?”

“Well, you probably should, but I’d rather not be here when they arrive. I mean, I did ask you some questions, and even though I did it as a private citizen and you answered as a personal favor, the Chief might not see it that way.”

Andrew spoke up. “If I may make a suggestion, Mr. O’Leary? You and I are roughly the same build, and our clothing is close to the same color. If you would hand me your coat, I believe I could go out the front and distract them.”

“No good,” Tien threw in. “They wouldn’t buy him leaving alone.”

“He won’t be.” O’Leary turned to Christie. “I don’t think they’re after you. They didn’t even glance your way when they came in. If you leave with Andrew here, it will make him look more believable, and once they do realize he’s not me, they’ll probably ignore both of you, which means you have a safe ticket out of here.”

“While you take off alone?”

“Yeah, but not helpless. If I could borrow your taser, Andrew?” The admin handed it over. “I’m going to stay low, I’m too old to play hero, and there’s nothing to be heroic about. Besides, this way we double the chance that what we’ve learned gets out. I’ll see you at Bill and Miko’s tonight.”

“You’d better.”

* * *

A few minutes later O’Leary stood quietly in the doorway leading out into the alley. He looked up at the camera. The lens was still shattered. So much for “improved security” Tien!

He’d been hoping for this though. A working camera would probably feed the Web, and Alex might be able to tap into it. He listened quietly and soon heard a commotion out in the street. It wasn’t a mob sound, just a lot of running feet.

O’Leary stepped out, acting as though he owned the place. Walking swiftly across the alley he stepped through the gap in the wall and crossed the parking garage. It was only half-full of cars, but he noticed a lot of people huddled there.

None of them were CB’s, though. They all seemed to be watching the street, so he ignored them and walked through to the auto-taxis. There he swiped a cash card Christie had bought for him earlier. Setting the destination for the Oregon Zoo would mean that he would have to find another way to cross the last ten miles or so, but it would help break the trail.

The taxi quietly unhooked itself from the charging station and edged out into traffic. He looked back in time to see a couple of police fliers settling down below the rooftops behind him.

The traffic was intense, but he got to the zoo without any issues. From there it was easy to catch the MAX train out to Tanasbourne and then walk the last mile or so to the Okawa’s.

Bill and Miko were waiting for him when he walked up the steps.

“Where’s Christie?” everybody asked at the same time.

“I thought she was with you!” everybody answered at the same time.

“OK.” O’Leary paused for a second to make sure Bill and/or Miko weren’t trying to say anything. “Bill, did you hear about the call from the Pearl Server farm?”

“Yes, I was listening to my com. Seemed the CB’s were rioting or something. Five of them broke into the manager’s office and had to be stunned by the security guard. They’re questioning them now. The rest of them outside apparently attacked that guard and a woman who was with him when he came out the front door...”

“That ‘woman’ was Christie. She and the guard were decoying the CB’s away so I could sneak out the side door. The CB’s that broke in were after me. What happened to the guard and Christie?”

“Nobody knows. They had disappeared by then, and the other CB’s were just milling around with the rest of the crowd. They seemed to be under the impression that they were helping keep order or something.”

O’Leary sat down hard. “She was supposed to be safe! When they came in, they didn’t as much as glance her way. She could have been a piece of furniture for all they cared. I thought they’d ignore her as soon as they realized that Andrew wasn’t me. Sounds like I just threw her to the wolves instead.”

There was a long silence as Bill and Miko obviously tried to think of something to say that didn’t sound trite. Nothing came.

Finally O’Leary stood up. “I’m headed over to Ernie’s. I need a break and some of his coffee. I should be back in a couple of hours, but don’t get worried if it’s longer than that. I need a change of scenery and a chance to think.”

Bill stood up. “I’ll come with you. You don’t know what might happen if one of those CB’s recognizes you.”

“Thanks, Bill, but I need some down time. Look, I’ve still got Andrew’s taser and I’ll carry a com. If something happens, you’ll know, OK?”

Bill thought for a second and then nodded. “All right, fair enough.”

* * *

Proceed to part 3...

Copyright © 2010 by Karlos Allen

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