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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories welcomes...

Barbara Stanley

Barbara has published extensively and likes to write “good stories about bad things.” She says she’s a good person but guards her popcorn jealously.

Secret Pal” is a wryly humorous story about a girl with a guilty conscience. She makes the mistake of unburdening herself to a “worry doll” that turns out to be very unsympathetic. The only way to get rid of the painfully nagging doll is to confess to her partner, Gabe. But Gabe has something to confess, too, and it’s exactly the same thing...

Now, what does etiquette require? Who should go first in letting it all hang out: the wayward woman or her partner? That’s a question for newspapers’ personal-advice columns — and a scenario readers can have fun with. Or maybe the woman and Gabe can ask their “worry dolls” if they’d agree to trade places...

Barbara Stanley’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Barbara. We hope to hear from you again soon and often!

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