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by Stephen Ellams

Dedicated to the memory of my good friend
Julian Batty, 10th January 1977 —13th January 2015

May quietus grant you
A sunrise for all eternity
In the Cobain afterworld
Let anguish be stilled
Felicity heightened

Perched on a smoker’s cloud
Perfectly at peace
With the soul’s separation
Sporting the same boyish grin
That knows no limitations

I pray there you will find
A host of party-lovers
To roll with your jokes
Help you hit the high notes
Of every classic rock anthem

And meet the five people
With whom you were most connected
Family, comrades and strangers
To provide you with the answers
Life couldn’t gift you

So look benignly over us
As we share our grief
An occasional smile
From tearful eulogy
To snapshots of your life

Acquaintance, friend, son and partner
Thirty-eight years young
And shall remain so forever
Integral to the heart
Of dedicated memory

Julian Batty

Copyright © 2016 by Stephen Ellams

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