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Sirens Ringing Dry

by Michael D. Amitin

flush the locusts
so they say
down the glitter spine toilets
rapid fire
could use a good flush

but my ears bleed
sirens ringing the caves of my heart dry
as a desert strewn with dead longhorns

my eyes burn
sad-eyed bombardiers
watching waiting

hiding in burnt tents
jizz fizz
did you get mother’s milk

olive acid sun awaits
paint the grenades with magenta bush donkey flowers
stick a laughing daisy cheney in that rifle mouth
brother let’s sit in the park and read fyodor ginsberg
say kaddish
best revenge is no revenge
blow this wind smack act to smithereens

light a sugar-frosted christmas tree
sing echoes of allah kiss a hannukah dreidle
and flee the fate of frankenstein
before we drift my pretties

Copyright © 2016 by Michael D. Amitin

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