Challenge 725
Jonah’s Counterpart
In Ljubo Popovich’s Eve in the Belly of the Whale,” the “whale” makes the story a fantasy. Aside from that, what is the setting’s function in the story? What difference would a fictional planet make as the setting?
In Edna C. Horning’s “God Has One, Too”:
- Does Cricket know first-hand that Aunt Lucy and Uncle Sulo plan to get rid of Smidge? Does she know why they plan to?
- What are Cricket’s aunt and uncle doing while Cricket is on the run? Does Cricket expect anyone to come searching for her?
- For what audience does the story seem to be intended? What lessons might a teenage reader take from it if she wants to run away from home?
In Charles C. Cole’s “The Last Day of The Ugly Man”:
- What is the narrator’s function in the story?
- What makes The Ugly Man ugly? Why might the lynch mob be afraid of him?
- Does the story resemble any by Franz Kafka?
In Walter Kwiatkowski’s “The Dryers Are in Use”:
- At what point can readers begin to suspect that reality is not as Daniel Pike sees it?
- Does the medical staff play along with Pike’s delusion? Does the doctor take proper precautions to ensure the nurses’ safety?
- Why was Pike surprised by the sound of a garbage truck? Did he want his victims’ screams to be heard?
In Gary Clifton’s The Dead Bin:
- What physical characteristics do Harper, McCoy and Wilson seem to have in common?
- How might Harper and Wilson deflect or defuse the aggressive tactics of Mr. Grifford, the ubiquitous defense attorney?
- Why does McCoy go along with the Internal Affairs interrogation when he knows the sergeant is exceeding his authority?
- Does Maggie Wilson’s human-trafficking case suggest corruption at higher levels?
date Copyright © August 7, 2017 by Bewildering Stories
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