Remedies for “Unreachable”
You may want to save a copy of this page for future reference. Let’s hope you never need it. You can either copy-paste the text into a word processor file or save the page as a webarchive.
If your web browser returns a “website unreachable” error message for Bewildering Stories, you have two options:
The more likely cause of the error is that your computer’s “firewall” or antivirus software has malfunctioned. It intended to block a website but included Bewildering Stories’ IP address by mistake. An editor reports that McAfee has done that. Other software protection programs may do so, too. Solution: Correct your software by manually unblocking IP
Otherwise, Internet Service Providers sometimes block whole sets of Internet addresses or ports just to get at a single one. Or the website’s IP address may have been corrupted at some point on the Internet. Please telephone your ISP and report the problem.
You may need to cite your own IP address. Here's how: Go to The page will tell you what your number is.
Meanwhile, there are workarounds that may bypass your ISP. Copy-paste one of these URL’s into your browser’s locator bar or, if you’ve saved this page, click on one of the links. The first one seems to be the most promising, though it may have trouble with external links.
- and enter