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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories welcomes...

Jeffrey Greene

Jeffrey hails from Michigan and Florida but is now a long-time resident of the Washington, D.C. area. His ambition has been to write “a few good stories,” and he has found that careful writing makes the process difficult. And what if one succeeds? How will anyone know? The marketing that publishers did in the olden days now falls to the writers themselves. Worse yet, Internet publishing can be ephemeral — except at Bewildering Stories!

The Regal Darner” will intrigue readers with its depiction of the mysterious Mr. Kitchens, who is well versed in entomology, a subject that also fascinates a young neighbor, Lloyd Harris. Mr. Kitchens describes the Regal Darner as having a mode of perception that human artists can only dream of. Mr. Kitchens opens doors; readers may be inspired to wonder how young Lloyd might have eventually passed through one or more of them.

Jeffrey Greene’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Jeffrey. We hope to hear from you again soon and often!

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