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by Channie Greenberg

The temporary suspension of belief, alongside
The abeyance of common sense, brings down
Most civilizations.

More specifically,
Units of sound, of light, of meaning, integrate
As entertainment but offer no social solutions.

When not universal, disparate power plays few
Games that make moot many books’ indices or
That acquaint placebos.

All-inclusive ramparts’
Perceptual instruments decentralized autocratic
Learning experiences midst uniformed servants.

The Delphi Technique, a common ethnography,
Seizes up when reinforcing language’s essence
In staid ivory towers.

Other analytical tools,
Similarly, fail to appreciate most benefit as: existent,
Culturally binding knowledge, or paradigmatic idols.

Despite their archaic trust in souls’ simplicity,
Lots of ascriptions to fixed vocabulary, syntax
Crumble in the end.

The rhetoric of assent
Quickly became vicious words connecting humanities,
Sciences. No respect gets granted despite world nukes.

So, fantasies of dungeons or of courts accelerate global
Politics as soon as rusty truth operates as misunderstood
By partial audiences.

Copyright © 2021 by Channie Greenberg

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