Challenge 944
Bread and Water
In Christopher DeRosa’s The Princess’ Tale: Penelope, Adrian and Elena are condemned for offenses against the king. In what ways are the circumstances similar?
In Kjetil Jansen’s The Hakkapirelli Life: At what point might the reader surmise that Marie is leading more than one life at a time?
In David Newkirk’s Test 7:
- In what ways might humans be said to have used the “gift” of interstellar travel incautiously?
- Have humans performed similar “tests” with animals on Earth?
- Broadcasting has made Sol a radio nova. Does the space alien appear to learn anything about humanity from its Tests that it couldn’t learn from observation and from human mass communications?
In Charles C. Cole’s Non-reunification:
- Does Celia drop the check accidentally or deliberately? How might she ensure that only the narrator could cash it?
- What do Celia and the narrator accomplish by going out of their way to avoid meeting one another? What might be a next step in their relationship?
In Mike Acker’s Illusions:
- What Biblical metaphor do “glutinous” and “kneaded” imply?
- Does the poem express faith? Despair? Something else?
What is a Bewildering Stories Challenge?