Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories News

A Look Back Up Ahead

Here’s a belated but timely news item, which we may repeat in some form in the next issue or so.

Our second anniversary issue — number 104 — is coming up soon. It’s time to party. In our first anniversary issue we celebrated by emptying the queue into a single “blockbuster” issue. For our second, Jerry has had the idea of featuring a “retrospective,” a selection of readers’ and editors’ favorites from issues 53-103.

It’s a great idea. But reviewing 52 issues for favorites? That’s a big job. But only if it’s done all at once. We’ve come up with a plan that promises to make the selection process enjoyable and much less time-consuming for everyone.

Accessing the back issues is simple:

  1. Click on “Archive” in the menu.
  2. Click on the number “60” in the little square box.
  3. Go through the eight issues and make a list of the titles you remember liking particularly. This is also a good time to explore others you may have missed or not seen yet for some reason.

Please pick whatever you think deserves to be “anthologized.” In choosing serials, go by the issue in which the first installment appears. If it extends past the last issue in a set, that’s all right.

Finally, please communicate your list to us. Two ways:

Can contributors nominate their own works? By all means, but to avoid “ballot-box stuffing,” please choose one favorite from your own titles in each category in issues 53-60. That means you can nominate as many as four titles of your own for that set of issues: one each in the categories novel, serial, poetry and non-fiction. Any contributor can engage in “strategic voting” by nominating a second choice; the first choice will surely not be overlooked by other contributors and the readers.

Copyright © 2004 by Don Webb for Bewildering Stories

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