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Bewildering Stories

Challenge 1050

Accept the Exception

  1. In Alcuin Fromm’s Unseen Friends, Unseen Foes: Does Lemm have any particular expertise in addition to his military rank of enseign?

  2. In Shauna Checkley’s Wild Confines: How might one characterize Paris Jade’s particular mental afflictions? Does she seem to be incapacitated to a significant extent?

  3. In Frederick Frankenberg’s The Cart Pusher: Does Tommy harm anyone besides himself? In what way does he harm himself? How might Dr. Jansen help confirm his belief that his nature is not necessarily injurious to Nick or anyone else?

  4. In Huina Zheng’s A Father’s Quest: Do some of the monetary transactions appear to be outright bribes? How many pass as customary gifts?

  5. In Gil Hoy’s What We Throw Away: How might the narrator’s own trash bins explain why he looks so carefully at those of his neighbors?

Responses welcome!

date Copyright © July 1, 2024 by Bewildering Stories
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