Issue 1050

Readers’ Guide: What’s in Issue 1050

Novel Alcuin Fromm, Unseen Friends, Unseen Foes, part 1
Novella Shauna Checkley, Wild Confines, part 1
Frederick Frankenberg, The Cart Pusher, part 1; Norman Grey, Wind Night, Wolf Night
Huina Zheng, A Father’s Quest
Charles C. Cole, The Cave Beside the Road
Gil Hoy, What We Throw Away
Poetry Julie Brandon, Rising Heat


Welcome Bewildering Stories welcomes Frederick Frankenberg
Challenge Challenge 1050: Accept the Exception
The Art
Richard Ong, Music Hall
Channie Greenberg, Skipping Among Galaxies
Ron Sanders, Miscue

A randomly rotating selection of Bewildering Stories’ art
NASA: Picture of the Day
Sky and Telescope, This Week’s Sky at a Glance

date Copyright © July 1, 2024 by Bewildering Stories

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