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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories introduces and welcomes...

Frederick Frankenberg

Frederick lives in Highland, New York and has published in various literary journals.

The Cart Pusher” will arouse readers’ sympathy for Tommy, a middle-aged man who strains emotionally in conflict with a false taboo. He strives to deny his nature unsuccessfully, especially since he’s been warned away from a good-looking co-worker, Nick, who is only 16 years old and therefore “under-age.”

Readers are sure to notice that Tommy harms no one but himself. And professionals in mental health and other social services such as the police can issue apt cautions, for example:

It’s a long-misunderstood narrative that pedophilia is a result of or somehow connected to and driven by “alternative” sexual orientation, i.e. gay. Not so. Identifiable pedophiles are something like ten to twelve times more likely to identify as “straight” as opposed to being of an “alternative” sexual leaning.

Frederick Frankenberg’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Frederick. We’re glad to have you with us.

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