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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories introduces and welcomes...

Jeff Gaba

Jeff has retired after many years as a professor of environmental law at the Dedman School of Law in Dallas, Texas. He now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He now pursues two long-held interests: science fiction and studying Shakespeare and acting in the dramatist’s plays.

Will Shakespeare, Space Alien” will amuse readers as a literally over-the-top satire of a recurrent prejudice, one that insists that Shakespeare could not possibly have written his plays because he did not come from the correct social class. Jeff Gaba’s narrator argues that Shakespeare did not even come from the correct solar system.

Just a thought here, Jeff: we might be careful how far we push things. The next thing we know, you may be playing your role in The Comedy of Errors when pickets show up to demonstrate in favour of your conspiracy theory, which will have gone viral on social — or anti-social, whichever — media.

Jeff Gaba’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Jeff. We’re glad to have you with us.

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