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Bewildering Stories

The Readers’ Guide

What’s in Issue 1058

Novel Lt. Mueller is quite ready to charge Benny Levy with the murder of Moe Weinberg. Max Niemand finds the decision too easy a way of merely disposing of the case. Max will dig deeper and, in the process, discover the interesting case of a blacklisted newspaper reporter. Gary Inbinder, Chicago Max
Chapter 6: What Crow Tastes Like, part 1; part 2
New contributor Kirk Eckstine has Martians staging raids on Earth in the 1950’s. The people of the time have mobile weapons that even schoolkids can operate. Two of them and an adult take A Sunday Drive in the Old Family War Wagon, part 1; conclusion.

New contributor Jeff Gaba satirizes the stories that hold that Shakespeare’s works were written not by Shakespeare but by some more socially illustrious personality, perhaps one like Will Shakespeare, Space Alien.

New contributor Jay Jeriah recounts a narrator’s literal battles with various forms of himself in A Case of Self-Dissonance.
New contributor Karl Miller describes a need for assistance transcending time: Redress
Poetry New contributor Blair Boleyn, A Chateau of Vice

Brenda Mox, As If Underwater
Shauna Checkley, A Tiger at Night


Welcome Bewildering Stories introduces and welcomes Blair Boleyn, Kirk Eckstine, Jeff Gaba, Jay Jeriah and Karl Miller.
The Art
Richard Ong, Sigil Power
Channie Greenberg, Flying Flames
Ron Sanders, Pest Motel

A randomly rotating selection of Bewildering Stories’ art
NASA: Picture of the Day
Sky and Telescope, This Week’s Sky at a Glance

Randomly selected Bewildering motto:

Randomly selected classic rejection notice:

Bewildering Stories’ official mottoes:

“Poems are not made with ideas; they are made with words.” — Stéphane Mallarmé
Ars longa, vita brevis. Rough translation: “Proofreading never ends.”

To Bewildering Stories’ schedule: In Times to Come

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date Copyright © August 26, 2024 by Bewildering Stories

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