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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories introduces and welcomes...

Patricia Ann Bowen

Patricia lives in South Carolina and has grandchildren “all over the world.” She leads a short-story writers’ group and has taught the art of writing the genre. She has published novels, a collection, and individual stories extensively in various journals.

This Just In... ” has the unusual form of a round-table discussion. As a result, the action takes place in one setting, and the story focuses entirely on the characters’ points of view. In the past forty years, word processing and the Internet have revolutionized the book trade with the largest changes since the invention of the printing press. Of particular importance in the discussion: the purpose of writing fiction and the implications of resellers’ book pricing in print or digital format.

Patricia Ann Bowen’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Patricia. We’re glad to have you with us.

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