Bewildering Stories

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Mars Accelerates

part 1

by Deep Bora

“There are older scripts in certain ancient languages which describe your theories to the contrary.” The professor was evidently enjoying the usual purple sunrise, basking in the pleasant glow of a comparatively new sunshine which humans were in process of experiencing.

They were upon Mars and in holidaying mood, having earlier spent a leisure night watching and observing Earth from one of the observatories. This particular lab was located inside forward space research laboratory.

The professor was accompanied by four humans from Earth stations — this was perhaps their first flight to Mars — and they were certainly inclined to express delightful exclamations, every now and then.

“I beg your pardon?”

“I meant no prejudice to your earlier statement sir... and you certainly, did not object to my previous theory explaining the relationship of Mars in comparison...!

“I only meant to state that Mars was once considered to be the lord of the stars... ah, particularly so, when the ancient science of astrology predominated us Earth humans, our ancestors!” The professor's first companion made an attempt to diffuse an anticipated tension, which he rather felt was about to commence.

The remaining members were considered men of dignified opinion and were in fact senior ranking, literate members from forward research Earth labs. They were preparing themselves for a hearty, near one-sided monologue. The settings were correct, the temperature — most decidedly in their favour and Mars’ forward space lab breakfast chamber, the adequately referred place. Here one could safely commence discussions upon the particular topic.

Mars! And its historical-astrological significance.

“Allow me, gentlemen.' The professor took an initial sip of Martian coffee, decantered, delivered and brewed from coffee pods harvested upon the exposed portions of Martian soil.”Ah. Excellent, I must say.”

He continued between audible sips,“Gentlemen, why don't you continue? I am inclined to say that you shall determine good taste in Martian coffee.”

He glanced up heavenwards, absorbing the view that was offered in one single glance and then reverted his gaze upon the rising sun, now visible above horizon levels.

A mammoth semicircular, transparent dome approximately five hundred feet high at the tallest point and equally so in diameter towered above them. It offered them thorough protection from external Martian higher than Earth temperatures, particularly at the meridans where they were now gathered.

Sunrise and sunset scenarios upon Mars were always shrouded in mists of purple. These were unseen and unfelt mists which however, inevitably existed. However, the remaining portions of daytime offered easier access to eyes which were more accustomed to Earthly sunshine.

“Now, as I was saying... and hence, it is of importance to note that there existed few other races upon Earth — human, of course. May I state: sub-races of the original, single human race? Deviations of the same human form?” He asked them not in jest but in utter seriousness.

The professor's second companion almost made a motion of opening his mouth to speak, though for reasons unknown, immediately changed his decision. He munched upon buttered toast instead; fresh and rare done, with accompaniment of Earth salad boiled in butter water.

“I would eat that less, if I were you,” the first companion murmured.”Mind your calories.”

“You sir, have been helping yourself to plenty of butter-water boiled salad the past few days.” The third companion joined in. He was thoroughly aware that his country upon Earth, more commonly referred as Country Two, specialised in that particular wholesome dish.

“Allow me to continue gentlemen... and these few distinct races were Babylonian, Greek, Hindus and Chinese to name the major few.” The professor gently continued.

The first companion added quickly, more a sort of an question.”The Aztecs, well they maintained sun-dial clocks... in South America. Another continent and country of the lost world.”

"They were into astronomy mainly!”

“Would you be referring to the year A.D. 1000 approximately?” The fourth companion.

“No sirs. This is prior, 15 B.C... Very much prior to to 200 B.C. if I were to add.”

The fifth companion spoke up ultimately, “From A.D. 1 you count forward and from B.C. 1 you count backward in time!”

"Anyway... it seems that the moot question of naming a country starts from the Western countries, which were classified by names during those bygone eras. Now, relevant data of the present ages provides us with other information. It commences from the Netherlands. This is a country noted by name i n those bygone eras. It is not mentioned in our modern history books.

“A band of warriors and simple people — or rather, this group of humans numbering in excess of five thousand people began making arrangements to leave their original homeland. They were adequately protected by war lords and militia men.

“This group of people it seems... please do not confuse here: in our present-day terms, we have no idea where Netherlands is or was located. We are also clueless of what astrology actually and precisely means! We are simply theorising.

“However, now in A.D. 4073, our present day, we...” The professor halted abruptly, looking ahead and slightly upwards whilst nodding at the waitress walking up to them, cradling a broad-band computer console in her left arm.

“Extra coffee, miss... er.”

“My pleasure sir.” She delicately punched a button upon the console board. Almost instantly, robotic arms extended outwards from the breakfast-chamber side walls. The robotic hands delivered five mugs of steaming Martian coffee neatly upon their Martian chrome table. She walked daintily away from hearing distance.

“It seems that this populace travelled both on foot and upon waters, using boats and crude ships. They were a hale and hearty race; healthy people who covered great distances all along the journey. Many amongst them made further decisions to settle down during this exodus. They settled down in hordes and subgroups of families, in different countries, for good.

Their primary decision was to travel eastwards. They were little aware of the following fact: that by the time they reached the ‘Indus valley’, they had nearly covered a more or less semicircular voyage of our globe. Rather simply put, our world.

Many amongst them now, finally decided to settle down in India — particularly its eastern regions, central parts of China, Mongolia, Burma, Vietnam, Thailand and Korea.


"By using the word ‘now’, I would care to refer to a time-defined duration ranging between 1600 B.C. to 1500 B.C. You see, in this instance we are counting backwards, from 16 B.C. to 15 B.C. and yet again from 15 to 14 until we finally reach 1 B.C. Thereafter, we start counting progressively, that is 1, 2, and like that!”

“But sir, professor, how does all this add to our point in discussion? I fail to understand.”

“Patience, Gentlemen!”

* * *

“But professor, sir, these countries exist merely by such unfounded names in our discarded historical books. I would comment that even I was unaware of such country names in my schoolbooks.” The second companion seemed heavily involved.

The professor seemed to pay scant attention to their brief interruptions. “And the theory continues such. This band of people included astrologers, adepts in the mysteries of our universe and the solar system; the planetary movements and their influence upon men, women and children!”

“All of the fifteen planets?'

“All the planets, numbering fifteen in total, located within our solar system.”

“How about... well, how about the lost cities of Babylon and Greece? The astrologers? And the Aztecs, Mayans and the Incas, the astronomers of human race. How could they determine such advantageous positions of stars, suns and nebulae? Our present day ‘advanced sciences’ are yet to discover these. Surely they — our ancestors — belonged to lesser advanced ages than we.”

“How on Earth...?”

“Your deduction about Egypt?” The first companion joined in too.

“Later, sirs, patience please!”

A ten-minute silence followed which produced no other sound except of harsh breathing.

The waitress walked up to them once again.

“Earth water and croissants, please.” The third companion sounded weak.

“May I add Martian grapes, sirs?” she asked demurely.

“Your suggestions for our menu, er... ah, our delicacy?” The professor countered. He was involved in cheerful company.

Select personnel stationed in Mars’ stations were aware of the professor's present schedule. This was his sixth flight to and vacation upon Mars, within the past two Earth months.

"... while few hundreds amongst the group met with suitable conditions favouring settlement in the fertile plains of Babylon, Greece and Egypt, the remaining, major population decided to march on ahead eastwards.

“You've got to make note of the fact that this exodus took several decades and centuries for completion. As soon as the last, remaining members of this by now, wandering tribe, settled down in Japan, another advanced Earth country of our ancestors. Astrology was gently taking shape world-wide, influencing the behavioural pattern of mankind then. Its influence dominated every country and its policies.”

“You sir, mean to be explicit here that nearly every country from1500 B.C. to 1400 B.C. was governed by laws related to astrology...” The first companion began in a whisper.

“With the initial database and knowledge-backing of astronomy, of course.” The professor ended.

* * *

“Finally, the wandering group of nomads were no longer strangers in unknown countries. For they were by now, accepted and invited into those various and different societies country after another; and as generations passed, the knowledge of ‘science of the stars’, or ‘astrology’ as it was commonly known in its heyday, was also passed on from one succeeding generation to the next in its pure form. Astrological rites were performed with immense benevolence and strictly within strictures and guidelines.”

“The knowledge of astrology was therefore preserved as a heavily guarded secret!”

"Involvement of mathematics and arithmetic calculations formed the central core of practice of astrology. This procedure prevented the general people — the lay person — from prying into finer aspects of the knowledge.” The third scientist companion added.

“After all said and done, arithmetic is not the most favoured subject even today!”Another comment, which jarred the silence.

The professor continued.”Mankind thus progressed higher, from initial social settlements at river basins, to the hills and mountains. They were now, forever scanning the Earthly skies for an uninterrupted view of the night skies and the stars.

“Predictions had to be made, good days and nights needed to be forecast; rituals pertaining to births, marriages and well — not so dear a subject — death rites of loved ones. All such rituals required auspicious timings and calculated hours. Conjunctions between certain planets and other revered planets produced certain beneficial results, These were therefore considered auspicious for marriage; the timings for excellent conjunctions between individual, or groups of planets, were announced in addition. Nothing, dear sirs, nothing could ever go wrong during the duration of those timings or ‘lagnas’ as was termed in Hindu scripts.

The Hindu script in reference was perhaps termed ‘Panini’ or ‘Sanskrit’ unknown to us now, in A.D. 4073.” The professor's voice assumed undertones of wistfulness.

Proceed to the conclusion...

Copyright © 2005 by Deep Bora

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