Prose Header

Stardust Fading

by Carmen Ruggero

Whatever made me think...
I don’t know,
was I even thinking?
The night fresh, young
as the dreams
the dreams...
we dreamed
like verses...
freshly spoken;
not yet touched
by the new day...
new day...
let’s dance, you said,
follow my steps
steps... steps...
and I followed
in semidarkness
we danced...
to Hoagy’s tune.
We’ll have a whiskey
you said,
and I was thirsty...
I was thirsty...
what was I thinking?
I wonder...
as I see the door
close behind you...
behind you...
and all that echoes
in my mind...
my mind...
is a memory...
of us, and a dream
and that night...
vanishing like stardust...
fading... fading...
Stardust Piano Bar

Copyright © 2006 by Carmen Ruggero

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