by Thomas F. Wylie
Alone with pen
quickly grasped
in the early hour; complete dark outside, house still; dashing out words to capture the still recent evening dream that fades with each passing moment. Wanderer of this earth, carrier of thoughts, images,
fears, faces, and events collected, observed, digested, read, spoken and absorbed disconnectedly over a lifetime; which among these shall appear, shall erupt in a night-time journey? Impossible to know impossible to predict impossible to escape only to experience and to seek, however meekly, a scratching-out of rambled-remembrances, images, faces, feelings, and sweat-soaked thoughts crushed together at the impact moment between night-time ending and day-light beginning, eternal second between asleep and awake; Spilling out pieces, parts, and morsels
here and there; Which are mentally collectable? From me to me,
from a mixture of people and experiences, known and unknown, or perhaps imagined? How to make-sense, from the wordless remnants of night-time stabbings? Often with repeat offenders; people, events, fears appearing over and over again like an unwanted guest who never departs; showing, being, appearing fresh-like in nocturnal solitary confinement. |
Copyright © 2011 by Thomas F. Wylie